Swab test

Swab test is provided to determine compliance with the requirements given in the individual monograph / specifications.Swab test is the counting of total number of aerobic bacteria, yeasts and molds on any surface.
Principle : Swab test is the counting of total number of aerobic bacterial, yeasts and molds on any surface.

1. A cotton Swab of Johnsons and Johnsons make is moistened with normal saline( 0.9 % NaCl) and placed in a suitable test tube  or screw cap test tube. The mouth of the test tube is closed with a cotton plug and rapped with aluminum foil.

2. The test tube containing the swab is then sterilized by autoclaving at 121 OC , 15 psi, pressure for 15 min.

3. Alternativily pre sterilised cotton swab of HI- media make can also be used.In this case, moisten the swab with sterile normal saline before using the swab. 

4. Wear handgloves and take out the swab carefully from the test tube and swab the surface to be checked.

5. The area of the swab should be approximately 10 Sq. cm.

6. Replace the swab immediately in the test tube and close.


1. Add accurately 10 mL of sterile phosphate buffer pH 7.2 to the test tube containing the Swab aseptically.

2. Shake well and transfer 1 mL to each of two sterile petridishes and proceed for test for Total Bacterial Count and yeast and mould as per the respective Standard Testing Procedures.

3. Also determine the presence of pathogens if necessary (E. coli, Salmonella, S. aureus and Pseudomonas ) by transferring 1 ml to each of the enrichement medium as per respective Standard Testing Procedures.

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